
Partner with me and commission a landscape painting to bring your custom art needs to life.

Commission painting of a sunset beach scene with artist Rosanne Croucher and client

Work with me

If you want an artwork that captures a special memory, or is custom for your space, you need this commission service!

A commission is the painting equivalent to a professional photo shoot on location. Choose a location or theme that’s meaningful to you and you can treasure your painting for years to come.
We can add people, animals, trees etc that are special to you as a minor part of the overall landscape.
My commission process ensures both parties are excited about the painting before it’s started.
Join my 100% satisfaction rate for commissions to date- see some testimonials below!

The Commission process


Head to the contact page and register your interest. I will send you my commission info sheet and price list.

Design Consultation

Over email we discuss ideas, exchange photos, and I’ll produce a few designs for you to choose from. Up to this point is free of charge, no strings attached.

Design Approval + Booking

The winning design gets chosen and refined, price is chosen (based on size) and you’re booked in the calendar. A deposit is due before I begin the painting.

Making the Painting

The fun part! During the painting process I keep you updated with progress pictures, and we can make minor design changes if needed. Currently my turnaround is approx 3 months as I work on several pieces at a time.

Completion and Delivery

Once finished, I’ll get in touch with photos, send through final payment details, and we’ll discuss delivery options. If you are like the majority of my commission clients, you’ll be so satisfied you will begin planning your next commission work for a few years away!

Recent Commissions

Artist Rosanne Croucher holding commission painting of Waikawau Bay in Coromandel, New Zealand
Artist Rosanne Croucher holding commission painting of Mount Cook in New Zealand
Painting of Mt Alfred at sunset with artist Rosanne Croucher
Commission painting of One Tree Hill held by Rosanne Croucher
Commission painting of Baylys beach at sunset with artist Rosanne Croucher
Painting of Waihi beach at sunrise with artist Rosanne Croucher
Commission painting of Kapiti Coast at sunset with artist Rosanne Croucher
Kelliher Art Trust commission painting of One Tree Hill at sunset, with Rosanne Croucher
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